The websites listed below deal with either China Marine History or Militaria that cover China Marine related items:
The U.S. Militaria Forum spans all aspects of U.S. militaria from the Revolution through todays armed forces. Several advanced Marine Corps collectors serve as either moderators or contributors to this site. Want to see original exmaples of period Marine Corps uniforms, medals or photos? This is the place!
A great China Marine site is John Powers' North China Marines.com. This site deals with Marine activities in Northern China just prior to WWII, their time in captivity and their ultimate liberation. A great photo archive and updates on the Marines and their families since 1945.
James Shaw's site is another favorite of mine. His father served as a China Marine in the 1930's taking a number of interesting pictures and saving unique ephemera from his Asiatic cruise. This site is one of the best around at documenting the tour of an individual China Marine.
Follow the link below for access to Princeton University Library’s John Van Antwerp MacMurray Collection. MacMurray served as American Minister to China 1925-1929. During those years, MacMurray took a number of movies that included China Marine activities. The Princeton University Library has been kind enough to place a number of them on line for public viewing. These are indeed very rare and moving images of the China Marines and well worth watching.
The link below is to Mark Flowers excellent World War II website dedicated to US Marines 1941-1945. History, uniforms and equipment, it is all here!